Facebook adds new App Lock security feature to Messenger

Facebook adds new security feature App Lock to Messenger

App Lock is the newest security feature that has been added to Facebook Messenger. The new functionality allows account holders to lock the app upon closing it, requiring a security measure like touch ID or face ID to open it back up. That means if any of your nosey mates need to borrow your phone, they won’t be able to do any snooping.

According to The Verge, the feature, which will be available across iPhones and iPads as of Wednesday 22nd July, “is part of a number of small changes coming to Messenger centered on privacy and security,” and will be available on android in the coming months. 

The new feature comes alongside a privacy section, which will allow users to control their security and privacy settings (like App Lock) all in one place.

Fortune reported: “Facebook said it plans to give users control of who can message or call them through the app, who is sent to their requests folder, and who won’t have the ability to message or call them. 

“Facebook also plans to test a feature that will blur images appearing in messages in their requests folder. 

“The feature, which already exists on Instagram and WhatsApp, will give users the choice to view an image from someone they may not know”.

Facebook has had trouble with privacy and security in the past, including the high profile Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2016. Given this, we’re sure the new crack down on security within the apps will be welcomed by users.