Google Adds anti-Phishing Feature to Gmail

Companies will now be verified through the use of a logo

Cyber-security is a hot commodity right now, especially since lockdown. Google has implemented a new security functionality that will reduce phishing scams in Gmail. In order to reduce fear in users, Google has added verified logos as a brand’s avatar to show whether or not an email is genuine.

In a blog post announcing the added feature, Google wrote: “While we have many defenses built into Gmail, we recognize that email functions in a large, complex, interconnected ecosystem. This is why we’re working not just to keep Gmail safe, but to help keep the entire ecosystem secure”. 

According to The Verge, “The functionality uses the Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) standard, whose working group Google joined last year, and will be tested with a limited number of senders in the coming weeks”.

The BIMI standard will provide benefits to the whole ecosystem, according to Google’s blog post. “By requiring strong authentication, users and email security systems can have increased confidence in the source of emails, and senders will be able to leverage their brand trust and provide their customers with a more immersive experience”. 

Google hopes to make the functionality accessible to more brands in the coming months. 

Google will be implementing new security features and controls for Google Meet and Chat too, which are also detailed in the company’s blog post which can be read here.