Industria announcement trailer

Mysterious cold war era first-person shooter announced

Today Berlin/Glasgow based independent developer Bleakmill has shared the first look at their upcoming first-person shooter, Industria. Published by Headup Games (Bridge Constructor, SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell, The Inner World), Industria is a sci-fi inflected atmospheric shooter, set just before the end of the cold war.

This gameplay trailer shows some creative visual imagery, some hints of intriguing story threads, and some bold aesthetic choices. It’s drawing on elements from the fall of the Berlin Wall and pulling in aspects from an alternate dimension.

You’ll be taking on bizarre mechanical creatures, as the story unfolds over what they say will be “4 hours of gameplay”. If that’s four hours of engaging story and interesting gameplay scenarios, keeping things tight would certainly be preferable to overstaying its welcome.

It’s evoking some of the styles of classic narrative centric first-person shooters. There’s certainly a touch of the Half-Life 2 in some moments of the trailer.

There’s already a steam page with more details. Are you impressed by this gameplay reveal?