Microsoft Suduko gets a big Win 10 update

You will fall into one of two camps here. Either you know Microsoft produce a whole range of casual, pass the time games you can install and play on Windows 10, or you don’t

Either way, you must generally be aware that card games such as Solitaire or the evergreen Minesweeper have been a part of Windows history going all the way back to Windows 3.1. You might not be aware that things like these can still be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Store and one such app – Sudoku has just undergone a big overhaul, with new content, themes, and general look being updated.

Microsoft even did a trailer for it!

There are daily challenges and extra difficulty levels now and for a game that has been around since 2014, it’s nice to see somewhere in the deep bowels of Microsoft, they still have folk actively working on improving things like this.

To play, head to the Microsoft Store in Windows 10 and search for Suduko and install it for free.