Respawn drops exciting gameplay trailer ahead of Apex Legends Season 5

It looks like change is in store for this Battle Royal - and not a concert in sight!

We have been talking about the upcoming Season 5 of Apex Legends for a couple of weeks now but developer Respawn just dropped the first gameplay trailer and it is going to set tongue wagging.

We already knew Loba Andrade was the new Legend, and we knew a little of her backstory. Now we just got flashes of her Legend abilities, more than a sneak peek of the reimagined King’s Canyon map, and the biggest tease of all – the new in-game quests and trials.

There is an actual treasure hunt going to be going on with all manner of booty up for grabs. The recently tested Trials system looks like it is back in play with players being attacked by AI Predators once more – oh and it was all set to a cover version of Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran. Consider the scene well and truly set for launch day on Tuesday.

There was a continued look also at Loba’s thirst for vengeance against Revenant as Respawn continued to pad out the lore in the back story. 

We will be reporting back with first views on the new Fortune Favors season and Battle Pass soon after it lands. 

It still doesn’t look like we have Cross-Play yet, but maybe one day in the future we will be able to take our console friends out with a well-timed flick of the mouse. Anyway, it’s a great trailer, have a look for yourselves below.