Self-Isolate With Lara Croft for free

There’s a real drive at the moment to persuade people to stay at home to help beat COVID-19. Avid gamers might never have needed much excuse to boot up their machine and settle down for a session, but companies are beginning to chime in and do what they can to help persuade us.

Square Enix is the latest to offer a little something to tempt us into staying at home. They are giving away two Lara Croft games free of charge on Steam over the next day or so.

Square said: “We’re warmed by stories of communities banding together to support those in need during uncertain times, and by honouring directives intended to protect the most vulnerable among us.

Gamers are part of a global community. We regularly rally together online to return balance to fantasy kingdoms, recruit a crew to save the universe from sci-fi threats, and indulge in healthy competition through high-octane action games. For others, shifting to both online work and play is unfamiliar territory.

With this in mind, we’re offering a gift to our community. Starting right now through Monday, March 23 at 11:59 PM PDT, we’re releasing both Tomb Raider (2013) and Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris for free on Steam.”

Now you aren’t exactly blessed with time to get these games but if you do catch the offer in the nick of time simply head over to the Square Enix site and follow the instructions to get your Steam Activation codes.

The 2013 reboot of the original Tomb Raider will bring back all your memories of the PlayStation original, while Temple of Osiris gives you plenty of opportunity for some co-op four-player action.

Grab them while you can.