Windows 10X potentially delayed until 2021

A blow for you dual-screen owners

Windows 10X Delayed Until 2021

With dual-screen laptops slowly making their way into the wild, there’s no surprise that Microsoft has been developing an updated Windows 10 OS to work seamlessly with the new systems. This new OS has been named Windows 10X and was planned to release as soon as possible but it seems that now, it’s being reworked to also be implemented on single-screen Windows products thus causing significant delays.

This revamped 10X update now has a tentative launch date for single screens in spring 2021 but will launch its dual-screen version up to a whole year later, a significant amount of time to wait, especially for those who have gotten in early on the dual-screen game.

Microsoft has stated that the reason behind the change in tact for Windows 10X is mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the “world is a very different place than it was last October when we shared our vision for a new category of dual-screen Windows devices,”, probably meaning they will be catering more to those that have and will be working from home rather than the 1% who already have dual-screen devices. However, it’s not just the pandemic that has had an impact on the Windows 10X release, they’ve also been having teething problems getting win32 applications to work, with them not integrating with the OS properly.

While these delays are a bit of a shame, you may have noticed some UI changes in your current PC or laptop with new icons and an upgraded Start menu slowly making their way onto systems. This is an early look into what Windows 10X may look like and little tweaks could make sneaky appearances when you’re not even looking.

We hope that Microsoft does hit the spring 2021 deadline for single-screen devices and if so, maybe the dual-screen Windows 10X variant could be seen sooner than we think.