Where to buy Intel Z590 Motherboard

The latest Intel motherboard is on the horizon

where to buy z590 motherboard

It’s been all AMD in the news recently with their launch of both new GPUs and those powerful Ryzen 5000 series processors. But, it seems Intel is ready to bring the fight back with 11th gen CPUs and what we’re talking about today, Z590 motherboards.

With both the Z590 motherboards and 11th gen processors, sadly Intel is being pretty tight-lipped on the full specifications, prices, and release dates so there’s not much ‘official’ information to go off. However, what we’ve tried to do is bring you as much as we can so you can be as informed as possible about the next iteration of Intel hardware.

Intel Z590 Motherboard Specs

As previously stated, there isn’t a tonne of information in the wild around Z590 motherboards but there are some tidbits that we can share with you.

The Intel Z590 will feature an LGA1200 socket which means that they’ll be compatible with 10th gen CPU variants. This is also likely to be the same socket as what 11th gen offerings come equipped with so you’re probably be safe securing one of these for the future. It’ll also feature DDR4 RAM support of course along with a whole new chipset specifically created for this motherboard.

Intel Z590 Motherboard Release Date

With CES 2021 on the horizon, Intel has chosen this time to use it as a springboard the new Z590. This means that the allotted release date for the Intel Z590 motherboard is January 11th where a whole host of Z590 variants should be available from a variety of manufacturers.

This is a rumored release date though and could be subjected to change, especially if the stock issues we faced in 2020 carry over to Q1 2021.

How much are Intel Z590 Motherboards

At this point in time, there aren’t any price tags assigned to the Intel Z590 motherboards and instead, it’s just a load of speculation. However, what we can do is provide you with a pretty safe assumption of a roundabout figure based on previous iterations of Intel motherboards and their price points.

We expect budget Intel Z590 motherboards to come in around the $200 mark, mid-range variants between $200-$400, and the more premium options at $450+.

Where to buy Intel Z590 Motherboards

As always with tech of this ilk, you’ll be able to find Intel Z590 motherboards at all the go-to retailers you know and love. Below, we’ve listed all of the Intel Z590 product pages that we’ve managed to find whether that’s for the US, UK, Canada, and more so you can easily navigate to them and secure your next motherboard.





